Mah'dee Daye, the Wandering Minstrel

Main Detailed Appearance History Daring Adventures Poetry & Song

Detailed Appearance

 You take a good long look at Mah'dee:

 Mah'dee Daye is an elf with common characteristics. His face is timeless and has a finely chiseled bone structure. His eyes are seen as the color of grass as he holds them open wide and alert. His skin is fair in color and practically without blemish, like it has not seen the sands of time. He tends to keep his hair short and somewhat disheveled and is the color of mud.

 Mah'dee Daye's build is lean and nimble. Although slim there is just the right amount of muscle to show that he is young and in shape. He is about six feet and four inches in height and weighs 145 pounds. He is exactly 189 years young. No longer an adolescent, yet at this age he is still considered a young adult in elven terms.

 His charismatic personality really shows in his appearance. It's as though there is a soft glow around him. Or at times a fire burning passionately fueling drive and zeal. This makes him attractive to many and very much so a leader.

 He prefers humble attire, mainly greens and browns to match the colors of nature. His main accessory being a bow and arrows, his main hunting and defensive weapon. He has been known also to carry a dagger for close range protection.

 He is also often seen dancing about playing a musical instrument or reciting poetry.