Mah'dee Daye, the Wandering Minstrel

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Poetry & Song

Mah'dee recites the following poem with all the elegance of a master bard:

 "Joor Blood" an orcish battle chant

"Meh and joo orc and joo and joo orc orc
We go together to the dwums of warfare
Go! *scream* Go! *scream*
Crush! *laugh* *laugh*
Our blood is on joor hand!"

"It may be joors for now. *snort* *grunt*
But all joor lands are belong to us!
Do cower! Do shiver!
Fear is what joo breathe now. *cackle*"

"So meh and joo orc and joo and joo orc orc
Bang da hands together an' breaks der necks
Joo be mangled by our stare
Fear us! *howl* Fear meh! *scream*"

"Joor blood is on our hands!"